Delivery Information

"Experience the Ease of 'Cash on Delivery' with Billu Photos!

At Billu Photos, we understand the importance of convenience when it comes to online shopping. That's why we offer a hassle-free 'Cash on Delivery' option for both our new and returning customers. With this service, you can browse our website, place your order, and pay for it in cash upon delivery, right at your doorstep. It's shopping made simple!

How Does it Work?

When you opt for 'Cash on Delivery,' we'll swiftly book your order into our system. Before dispatching your items, one of our friendly customer service representatives will reach out to confirm your order details, ensuring everything is accurate. Then, when our delivery agent arrives with your package, you can conveniently settle the payment in cash. Please note, there are nominal cash handling charges for this service.

Additional Shipping Information for 'Cash on Delivery'

Enjoy free shipping on all orders across Pakistan when you shop with Billu Photos. However, if you choose the 'Cash on Delivery' payment method, there will be nominal cash handling charges applied. For deliveries outside Karachi, we entrust the reliable services of TCS, one of Pakistan's safest couriers. Meanwhile, our dedicated team of riders ensures swift delivery within 24-48 hours for most Karachi orders. Some larger items may take up to 3 days for delivery, depending on their size and weight. Rest assured, a Billu Photos team member will confirm the delivery timeframe during your order confirmation call. Shop with ease and confidence at Billu Photos with our convenient 'Cash on Delivery' option!"